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The rape of a book

December 26th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

One of my favorite writers, Neil Gaiman, published a book, Stardust, back in 1998. This book is a fairytale, in my opinion one quite remarkable. As with some other books by Gaiman, it has the story of a young man growing up and finding he’s not quite what he thought, some things are different. The story of the book is not mine to tell here, on this few lines. To learn more of the book, find the book in your local bookshop or library, either in the original language or in one of the many translations.

Two years back, a movie came out with the same name, Stardust. Directed by Matthew Vaughn, it takes the story of the book and moves it into the medium of cinema. This is done in the ways of a movie maker without scrupples and with the complete lack of taste. To make this film, mr Vaughn did the equivilent of taking a 1982 Bordeaux, look closely at it, picture the colour and its label, grabbed strawberry, raspberry and blueberry juice, a bunch of sugar, some vinegar and a can of pepper spray and made a copy. This, he let boil dry and served with plastic cutlery with a choir of naked nuns singing Rammstein.

Whatever you do, don’t see this movie. If you do, do not think of this as something even remotely close to the book. The idea is somehow there, but that’s it.


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  1. Hanna Camille
    June 22nd, 2011 at 18:46 | #1

    Jeg følte det samme når så filmen “The Bone Collector”. Hadde lest boken og fikk vite at filmen kom ut ca 2 månder etter at jeg leste boken. Når jeg så filmen, så ble jeg utrolig skuffet. De hadde byttet ut min favoritt karakter da han i USA ikke var politisk korrekt. Det ødela hele filmen for meg.

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